Should there be a limit on personal wealth?
Wealth inequality, as always, is in news again. Some American billionaires did not pay a penny in taxes some years, and some of them have got money to spare to indulge in a private space […]
How Rich is Too Rich? Measuring the Riches Line
Abstract Is it possible to identify a ‘riches line’, distinguishing the ‘rich’ from the ‘super-rich’? Recent work in political philosophy suggests that this is theoretically possible. This study examines for the first time the empirical […]

Is it time to limit personal wealth?
Warren Buffett has an effective tax rate of 0.1 percent? Yawn. Elon Musk didn’t pay federal income tax at all in 2018? Okay. America’s billionaires pay a lower tax rate than the working class? Didn’t […]

Why Do We Allow Infinite Wealth Accumulation?
Here’s the date when billionaires will own 100% of the economy
Why do we allow infinite wealth accumulation?
By Jared A Brock. A 14.27 minute podcast on the reasons to introduce wealth limits as a compliment to his newspaper article “Why do we allow infinite wealth accumulation?”

How the billionaire space race could be one giant leap for pollution
One rocket launch produces up to 300 tons of carbon dioxide into the upper atmosphere where it can remain for years